Hi, I am Sai Vedagiri, a senior at 
the Albert Dorman Honors College of the New Jersey Institute of Technology! I am passionate about computer science and have worked on various projects of my own. I am currently a  Cloud Security Software Engineer Intern at Microsoft.

Special Skills

App Development

I've developed numerous mobile apps, two of which have been published to both the iOS and Android app stores. I've also developed web apps in ReactJS and NodeJS Express.

Business Management

I founded a company, MacroTech Solutions Inc., and gained over 1000 users and $16,000 in pre-seed funding. We took part in Basecamp and Fellow programs by the DMZ at Ryerson, the #1 university-based accelerator.

SyncFast Project

SyncFast is an integrated, cloud-based platform to create, share, and access presentations using low-bandwidth data communication. A powerful web interface allows users to display their presentations from Google Drive. Viewers can follow along in real-time on any device using the randomly-generated access code for the presentation.