Medal of Honor Grove App

I collaborated with the Friends MOH Grove Organization to construct and publish a website and iOS app for public engagement at the historic memorial.

The Medal of Honor Grove is located on the campus of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. It is a 442-acre natural woodland and is designed as a living memorial to over 3,500 recipients of our nation’s highest military decoration, the Medal of Honor.

The created software is designed to be an interactive app and administration website console for Grove navigation. Administrators log into the website console to manage inputted locations and their descriptions into the website, as well as scavenger hunt information. Users can download the app from the iOS and Android App Stores. On the app, they are presented with information about the Friends of the Medal of Honor Grove organization, as well as a set of features to easily and seamlessly interact with the site. There is a map page where users can view their location in respect to memorial and key sites of the Grove and view information about each site when they are in its proximity. There is also a scavenger hunt page where users can search for specific sites, learn more about them, and share their findings on social media.